Differences between Borrow and Lend

Explicación visual de la diferencia entre "lend" y "borrow" en inglés, con ejemplos prácticos.

Differences between Borrow and Lend Grammar Learn the differences between Borrow and Lend with Langoo. Píldora Thank you for visiting our web, we hope you have understood the unit. If you have any comments, ideas, suggestions or doubts, leave them in the box below!

Learn to use the Relative Clause

Persona estudiando en un escritorio con ordenador portátil, cuaderno y lápiz, simbolizando la preparación en inglés.

Learn to Use the Relative Clause Grammar Langoo teaches you when and how to use the Relative Clause Infography A relative clause is a part of a sentence. It can begin with which, who, that or whose. We use WHO when we are talking about people. Example: Employees who feel their absence will not harm […]

Learn the Regular Verbs with Langoo

Pronunciación de verbos regulares en inglés: terminación en sonidos sordos, sonoros, T o D.

Let’s learn the regular verbs pronounciation Vocabulary With Langoo, you can learn the correct sounds for the 3 types of regular verbs   Píldora Learn the correct pronounciation of each one: https://langoo.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Wanted-Educated-Ended-Needed.mp4

Open Cloze Exercises: Choice of Modal Verbs

Guía visual sobre los usos de los verbos modales "can", "could", "might" y "may" en inglés.

Open Cloze Exercises: Choice of Modal Verbs Exam Tips Learn when to use each Modal Verb on the Open Cloze exercises of the Cambridge Exam. Infografía Let’s learn what it the Open Cloze exercise There is an important exercise on the Cambridge exams called the Open Cloze. In this exercise students are asked to fill […]

Let’s Study the Irregular Verbs with Langoo

Persona estudiando y tomando apuntes con auriculares puestos, simbolizando concentración y aprendizaje.

Let’s Study the Irregular Verbs with Langoo Grammar Langoo has created a video for you to learn the Irregular Verbs.   Vídeo Begin studying the Irregular Verbs Watch the video to learn about the Irregular Verbs and which are the most used ones!

Learn the Prepositions of Place with Langoo

Explicación del uso de las preposiciones de lugar "at", "on" e "in" en inglés con ejemplos ilustrativos.

Prepositions of Place Grammar Study with Langoo the Prepositions of Place and the exceptions with examples.    Píldora But there are exceptions: For when you go to the beach, you can use: – I am AT the beach.                              – I am […]

The Irregular Verbs, by Langoo

Persona estudiando y tomando apuntes con auriculares puestos, simbolizando concentración y aprendizaje.

the Irregular Verbs, by Langoo Grammar Langoo teaches the Irregular Verbs with a video for you to see how they are written and pronounced.  Vídeo Learn the written and pronounced way of the Irregular Verbs Watch this video to learn with Langoo! https://youtu.be/65XdJa3lNAo