What is a direct object?



Learn how to identify the direct object in a sentence.


Imagine it this way, in sentences we have someone that does the action, the action itself, and the thing or person that receives the action.

Laura is the person who does the action. Therefore, it’s the subject. “Cooks” is the action whereas “soup” is the thing in which the action relies, which means that soup would be the direct object.


You can also ask yourself: What does Laura cook? the answer will reveal the direct object.

Let 's practice!

What is the direct object in: 


The ball hit the car parked in the street


Leave the answer in the comments.


Bear in mind that not all verbs accept a direct object. You can cook something but you cannot die something for instance. 


Licenciada en Filología Inglesa, Máster en TIC para la enseñanza y procesamiento de lenguas, profesora EFL, traductora en reuniones internacionales, y preparadora de Cambridge. Especializada en procesamiento de lenguas y creación de contenido e-learning.

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