
Learning a language remotely.

Learning a language remotely.

Patricia Fabiano


The years 2020 and 2021 have proved that humans can change and excel at that change within a short period of time. We have seen people adapting to working or studying from home and people taking care of their mental and physical well-being in these years. This proves that if we set our minds to something with determination, we achieve it without failure.

Now let’s talk about language learning. There is one popular belief associated with Language learning, that it cannot be learned just via books or apps. We aren’t here to prove that wrong, but to help everyone trying to learn a language online.

In this post, we will guide you through the process of preparing for a language examination remotely. We go through points to set your mind to it, how to practice, where to seek help, and how to get the certification in your first attempt.

Where to start?

Preparing for an exam can be overwhelming. One might not know where to start and how much time to allocate for preparation. Here are a few things to do before you start preparing until the day you take your examination and how Langoo can make a difference.


Setting realistic goals

It is important to understand that you cannot climb Mt. Everest in one day. Similarly, it is important to understand your pace while preparing for an exam and to give yourself ample time before booking your exam slot. 

Understanding the exam model

Before you start preparing, it is important to know the kind of questions that appear in the exam. Also, knowing the total duration of each section, helps you save time to revise your answers if needed. 

Signing up on Langoo

If you are a beginner with some exposure to a language and are unsure of which level to take, Langoo can help. You can log on to our website and take a free level test. Once you determine your level, you can start preparing for the exam accordingly. 


When you sign up on Langoo, we provide the learning material suitable for your level. This includes pocket notes for all 4 modules (Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing). You can find notes for different vocabularies, grammar, and tips for writing essays, speaking, and listening.


“Practice makes perfect”, and there is no denying that. With Langoo, you can take practice tests in a real exam-like setting. This will help you to manage time, and approach unexpected questions in your final exam. You can take as many practice tests as you want until you think you are ready for the D-Day.

Getting Feedback

Feedback improves learners’ confidence and makes them better at handling stress and tension during the exam. We have professional tutors who provide personalized feedback so that our users can understand what they are good at and what areas to improve on. This helps everyone learn better and achieve their desired score.

Interacting with the Community

Nobody wants to feel alone in a journey towards their goal. Being part of a community helps one to meet like-minded people trying to achieve the same goal. This will boost self-confidence and also relieve stress during preparation. With Langoo you can be a part of our Discord Community and interact with other students preparing for a similar exam and can also get in touch with the Langoo team for any kind of help or feedback.


Chech here our article about the Langoo Community


Learning a language remotely does not have to be boring. We at Langoo are trying to break all the myths and help you achieve your goal from the comfort of your home. Read our previous post to see how technology plays an important role in language learning today.

Practising with Langoo will help you pass your language exam.

Sign up on Langoo now and get that certification you always wanted.

Patricia Fabiano

¡Hola! Soy Pat, soy e-learning developer y profesora de inglés, me encargo de la creación de contenidos de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge en inglés, hago el seguimiento del progreso de los alumnos y los ayudo a alcanzar sus objetivos gracias a nuestros planes personalizados. Soy fanática de las series de suspenso y aventura. ¿Mi finde ideal? Estar acurrucada en el sillón con mis gatos, un buen chocolate y una buena serie. Estudié el profesorado de inglés en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional en Buenos Aires, Argentina y actualmente estoy haciendo el traductorado de inglés-español a distancia en el Instituto Lenguas Vivas. He rendido varios de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge y tengo una certificación TESOL, que me habilita a enseñar inglés a hablantes no nativos. Comencé mi experiencia profesional dando clases en colegios bilingües en Argentina, así como institutos y academias. Siempre me gustó viajar mucho, por lo que ya antes de la pandemia comencé a especializarme en las clases en línea y a utilizar todo el material disponible. Esto me llevó a buscar una carrera en la creación de contenidos, dado que muchas veces lo que había en las páginas de internet no me era suficiente o adecuado para mis alumnos. Así llegué a Langoo, una empresa que me ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar el material acorde a las necesidades de cada uno y en donde puedo dejar volar mi creatividad.

Publicado por
Patricia Fabiano

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