Learn how to write a Proposal

Patricia Fabiano


Langoo helps you to write the best proposal for your Cambridge exam.


How to write a proposal for the Cambridge exam

n the second part of the writing skill at the C1 level, you will have to choose what type of text you want to write. Among the types of texts to choose from, we find the proposal. It is a guided writing, therefore, you’ll be given information about context, topic, and target reader. Keep this information in mind! 


When asked to write a proposal, the purpose is to suggest a solution to a specific topic, always focused on the future. They often require the writer to make one or more recommendations supported by factual information and evaluations of the situation that has been presented in order to persuade the reader to take a particular course of action. 

These proposals can be written for a variety of audiences, including peers, colleagues, supervisors, or clients. They are commonly used in academic and business contexts, where they serve as a means to propose new ideas, initiate new projects, or secure funding. 

Writing a successful proposal requires understanding the task requirements and following a clear structure in which you analyse the situation, identify the drawbacks, and make recommendations for the future. You can use headings in each of the paragraphs to build a clear layout.

Ultimately, bear in mind that when you write a proposal, you are trying to convince someone to do something. Therefore, make sure you include suggestions, persuasive language, and facts. Additionally, the audience you are writing for will influence your writing’s tone, register, and ideas.





  • Paragraph 1: first idea stated in the exercise
  • Paragraph 2: second idea stated in the exercise
  • Paragraph 3: express your opinion and make recommendations for the future



There are plans to invest the £100,000 budget the university has for students in career services. However, you don’t feel like that is the best way to invest the money, since nowadays, there are plenty of free courses that provide advice on career opportunities. Therefore, you decide to write a proposal to the university.

The purpose of this proposal is to recommend ways in which a university can invest in its students using a budget that has been allocated for this purpose. The administration of the university recognizes the importance of supporting students in their academic and personal development.

Budget investment
Currently, the university is planning to use part of the budget to establish a career services center that provides job placement assistance, resume writing workshops, and networking events, in order to help students prepare for life after graduation and increase their chances of finding employment.

Students’ real problems
Nonetheless, there are already a great deal of easily accessible online courses that prove support and guidance in this regard. As a student, I am well aware that some of the greatest challenges that undergraduate students face are more related to the lack of scholarships and dealing with the stress of such a competitive environment.

Subsequently, I would like to make the following recommendations:

1. Scholarships and Grants: The university can use part of the budget to offer scholarships and grants to deserving students. This will help to support their academic pursuits and encourage them to excel.

2. Mental Health Services: The university can allocate part of the budget to provide mental health services for students. This can include counseling, therapy sessions, and support groups, which will help to support students’ mental well-being and ensure they have the resources they need to manage stress and anxiety.

These initiatives will help ensure that students have access to the resources they need to succeed academically and personally.


Thank you for reading. Leave any comments, suggestions or ideas you want to share with us bellow!

Patricia Fabiano

¡Hola! Soy Pat, soy e-learning developer y profesora de inglés, me encargo de la creación de contenidos de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge en inglés, hago el seguimiento del progreso de los alumnos y los ayudo a alcanzar sus objetivos gracias a nuestros planes personalizados. Soy fanática de las series de suspenso y aventura. ¿Mi finde ideal? Estar acurrucada en el sillón con mis gatos, un buen chocolate y una buena serie. Estudié el profesorado de inglés en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional en Buenos Aires, Argentina y actualmente estoy haciendo el traductorado de inglés-español a distancia en el Instituto Lenguas Vivas. He rendido varios de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge y tengo una certificación TESOL, que me habilita a enseñar inglés a hablantes no nativos. Comencé mi experiencia profesional dando clases en colegios bilingües en Argentina, así como institutos y academias. Siempre me gustó viajar mucho, por lo que ya antes de la pandemia comencé a especializarme en las clases en línea y a utilizar todo el material disponible. Esto me llevó a buscar una carrera en la creación de contenidos, dado que muchas veces lo que había en las páginas de internet no me era suficiente o adecuado para mis alumnos. Así llegué a Langoo, una empresa que me ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar el material acorde a las necesidades de cada uno y en donde puedo dejar volar mi creatividad.

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