
Full guide about official Spanish DELE Exam

Full guide about official Spanish DELE Exam



Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, spoken by approximately 550 million people across the globe.

¿Hablas español? If you can speak Spanish, you cater to a very wide market and have an edge over the others who don’t speak the tongue.

With rapid globalization and the sudden surge in remote working, companies are now recruiting beyond borders and are planning on expanding to international markets. As a bilingual, you will be in high demand and will easily adjust to the cultural gap.

DELE is a standardized exam where you are tested on your Spanish language proficiency. This examination tests your reading, writing, listening, and speaking capabilities to obtain your official Spanish qualification.

Tabla de contenidos

What is DELE Exam?

DELE is a Spanish language certification examination in which the test takers proficiency in the Spanish language is tested.

This examination tests your reading, writing, listening, and speaking capabilities in the Spanish language. DELE stands for Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera, or “Spanish as a Foreign Language Diploma”.

The DELE is a highly regarded official title and will facilitate your access to the professional world. It would be a plus to find work in a Spanish speaking country.

Get ready for the exam! Join our DELE preparation course

What is the purpose of the certificate?

This certificate is an official document proving that you are proficient in the Spanish language.

You can use it for work, education, nationalization, or other specific purposes.

Let’s see the benefits:

  • It’s internationally recognized, you will have more opportunities in the professional fields.
  • It’s requested for some university studies.
  • It’s valid indefinitely

As such, the DELE is an advantageous addition to any CV, enabling you to develop career prospects in Spanish speaking countries.

Who is the certificate issued by?

The DELE certificate is issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

The Instituto Cervantes first came into light in the year 1991, with an aim to promote the teaching of Spanish and Spain’s vernacular languages and also to increase the visibility of Spanish and Latin American culture.

The Instituto Cervantes is now spread across 6 continents in 43 countries and 90 cities.

What is the Mode of Exam?

The exam is conducted in the traditional pen and paper format. Where one needs to visit the test center accredited by the Instituto Cervantes and take the test physically. All the necessary material required to take the examination will be provided to you by the test center.

You can check out the DELE Exam calendar below to make registration.

Month & Year Date of Exam Registration DeadlineExam Levels Offered
February – 202218th – FridayJanuary 12, 2022A2
April – 20221st – Friday February 2, 2022A1, A2, B1, B2, C1
May – 202220th – Friday
21st – Saturday
March 17, 2022A1 & A2/B1 for teens
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2
July – 20221st – FridayMay 4, 2022A2, B1, B2, C1
September – 20229th – FridayJuly 13, 2022A2
October – 20227th – FridayAugust 24, 2022A2, B1, B2
November – 202218th – Friday
19th – Saturday
October 5, 2022A1 & A2/B1 for teens
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

What are the 4 parts of the Exam and how to prepare for it

Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking.

You can take it in 6 different levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2). When taking the DELE exam, you need to decide on a specific level and take all four test areas together. It’s always best to be prepared! If you’re thinking of taking the DELE Exam but want to avoid any nasty surprises, start practicing on the Langoo platform. 

What are the various levels of the examination?

A1 & A2 (Easy)

The test competency in these levels is in the basic areas of Spanish. One’s ability to communicate on general topics is tested here. Family, work, shopping and a few other common themes are part of these levels.

B1 & B2 (Moderate)

The tests in these levels are a bit more challenging. They deal with understanding texts and navigating situations that might occur when traveling and test your writing skills on simple subjects. They also test your ability to express thoughts and opinions.

C1 & C2 (Hard)

These levels comprise the most difficult exams and certify that those who pass have a high level of competence in the language. They test your ability to understand intricate texts, whether your communication is fluent and your ability to write on complex subjects.

DELE for teens/young learners (age 11 to 17)

How much does the DELE Exam cost?

These are the standard prices in euros in Spain. The prices may vary depending on your country and the test center.


LevelPrices 2022
A1 & A2100 – 130 €
B1 & B2150 – 180 €
C1 & C2160 – 200 €


Can students apply for a revised score? If yes, would it cost them?

In case of disagreement with the grade obtained, candidates can submit, within the established period, a single request for review of grades through the form that is offered in their private space on the exam portal of the Cervantes Institute.

How to know if you are ready to take the exam?

The classic method to know if you are ready for the D-Day or not is when you take multiple practice tests and are satisfied with the result.

Even when you go to the traditional coaching centers, after a few weeks of rigorous teaching they give you a couple of sample tests and leave the decision of “when to take the test” solely on you.

By signing up with us, you can get access to several practice tests in a real-life scenario. We provide over 100 sample tests as well as individualized feedback from certified teachers and native speakers. This will help you know better when you are ready to take the test.

Apart from this, we also provide students with learning tips, mock tests, and pocket notes that can help them qualify for the exam in their first attempt.

Now it’s your turn! Learn Spanish, Get Certified!


Soy filóloga en lenguas romances especializada en el sector de lenguas extranjeras. Cursé un máster de español como lengua extranjera y a partir de aquí fui creciendo a nivel profesional. He sido profesora de español para extranjeros en centros privados y públicos en España y en el extranjero. Siempre me ha gustado la didáctica, el aprendizaje y crear contenido para mejorar la experiencia de mis alumnos. Me encanta mi trabajo y otras cositas como pasear por el monte, hacer talleres manuales y estar con animales.

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