Examen de Cambridge

Consejos para el ejercicio de Open Cloze


Patricia Fabiano


Learn some tips for the Open Cloze exercise from the Cambridge Exam with Langoo.

Exam Tips

If you have been preparing yourself to take any of the Cambridge exams, you should know by now that there is a type of exercise in the Use of English part of the exam that is frequent. On this exercise, students typically employ a single word to complete each blank space in a short text.

We went swimming ___ the lake.

I ___ my homework last night.

The book is ___ the shelf.

She ___ a beautiful song at the concert.

The most common missing words in these exercises are determiners, conjunctions, adverbs, articles, quantifiers, subordinating conjunctions, pronouns, verbs, prepositions or phrasal verbs, linking expressions and linker.



When you are looking for a PREPOSITION, you must pay attention to the verb of the sentence. Prepositions can be before or after the verb, so you can find them at the beginning of the phrase, right after the verb or at the end of the sentence.

The girl she is meeting (with) is a friend of mine. Actually, she is the one Joshua is married (to). (Of) all my friends, she is the nicest.

If you think there might be a prepositional verb on the exercise, you must look for this structure:

Verb + Preposition + Direct Object

They looked (for) us until the sunset


When you are looking for a QUANTIFIER, you must pay attention to the position of the gap, because they can be found:

Before a noun: ADJ + QUANTIFIER + NOUN
He has very (little) patience.

Before an adjective: VERB + QUANTIFIER + NOUN
There’s an improvement in (some) particular cases.

I’m thirsty. I want (something) to drink.

Before an adverb: QUANTIFIER + ADVERB
All of them will become rich, (some) quickly, some a bit more slowly.


When you are looking for a BOTH, you must pay attention to the position of the gap, because they can be found:

After a pronoun (I, you, he, she, we.):
They (both) wanted to win….

Before an object pronoun. Both of + object pronoun (us, them, you):
(Both) of them wanted to win…

Before two adjectives in a row:
Designed to be (both) strong and light.


When you are looking for a WHICH or WHAT, remember that:

Non-essential clauses are introduced by which, whose, who, or whom, but you should never use THAT to introduce them.

My aunt, (whose) daughter lives in NY, is coming to visit.

Essential clauses can be introduced by that, which , whose, who, or whom.

CLUE: WHICH is usually preceded by a comma.

The exercise (that) is about quantic equations is very difficult for this course.


When you are looking for AND or OR, we are looking for a parallel structure. These are formed with verbs, nouns or adjectives.

Whenever I have to travel by flight, I always get ready in advance AND make a list of everything I need.

advance = verb AND … followed by another verb = make

She is very pretty AND smart.

pretty = adjective AND… followed by another adjective = smart

If you eat at that restaurant, you should order either the hamburger OR the tacos.

order either the hamburger = noun OR …. followed by another noun = the tacos

Thank you for visiting our website, we hope you have understood the unit. You are welcome to leave any comments and suggestions you have in the box below. Come back to Langoo to learn more!

Patricia Fabiano

¡Hola! Soy Pat, soy e-learning developer y profesora de inglés, me encargo de la creación de contenidos de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge en inglés, hago el seguimiento del progreso de los alumnos y los ayudo a alcanzar sus objetivos gracias a nuestros planes personalizados. Soy fanática de las series de suspenso y aventura. ¿Mi finde ideal? Estar acurrucada en el sillón con mis gatos, un buen chocolate y una buena serie. Estudié el profesorado de inglés en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional en Buenos Aires, Argentina y actualmente estoy haciendo el traductorado de inglés-español a distancia en el Instituto Lenguas Vivas. He rendido varios de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge y tengo una certificación TESOL, que me habilita a enseñar inglés a hablantes no nativos. Comencé mi experiencia profesional dando clases en colegios bilingües en Argentina, así como institutos y academias. Siempre me gustó viajar mucho, por lo que ya antes de la pandemia comencé a especializarme en las clases en línea y a utilizar todo el material disponible. Esto me llevó a buscar una carrera en la creación de contenidos, dado que muchas veces lo que había en las páginas de internet no me era suficiente o adecuado para mis alumnos. Así llegué a Langoo, una empresa que me ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar el material acorde a las necesidades de cada uno y en donde puedo dejar volar mi creatividad.

Publicado por
Patricia Fabiano

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