Aprende la Estructura del Pasado Perfecto Continuo con Langoo

2 años hace

Study the Past Perfect Continuous with Langoo Grammar With Lanngoo you are going to learn how to form the structure…

Estudia la Estructura del Pasado Perfecto con Langoo

2 años hace

Study the Past Perfect with Langoo Grammar Here you are going to be able to learn the structure of the…

Estudia con Langoo el Futuro, el WILL y el GOING TO

2 años hace

Study the Future, WILL and GOING TO, and learn with Langoo Grammar Let's learn with Langoo the structure of the…

La Estructura del Presente Perfecto Continuo, con Langoo

2 años hace

This is the Present Perfect Continuous Grammar Learn with Langoo the structure of the Present Perfect Continuous.   Píldora

Los Tipos de Público Dependiendo de la Situación

2 años hace

Types of Public Depending on the Situation Vocabulary Let's see the difference among "audience", "public", "viewers", "spectators" and "followers". Píldora…

Aprende con Langoo Aquellos Adjetivos Terminados en ED y en ING

2 años hace

Difference between adjectives ending in "ing" and in "ed" Grammar Let's see what is the difference between these adjectives and…

El Presente Simple de Forma Fácil

2 años hace

Present Simple Grammar Learn the Present Simple with Langoo very easily. Píldora

Estudia la Voz Pasiva con Langoo

2 años hace

Passive voice Grammar You will see now what do we use the Passive Voice for and what is its structure.…

Los usos de MAKE y DO, con Langoo

2 años hace

Rules of the verbs Do and Make Grammar Learn the rules of the verbs Do and Make with our visual…

Entiende de Manera Fácil el Pasado Simple con Langoo

2 años hace

Past Simple Tense and all its forms​ Grammar Learn with Langoo the structure of the Past Simple Tense and all…

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