Present Simple

Uses of the present simple


Look at these examples:


Things in general

We use the present simple to talk about things that happen frequently, things that are normal in our life, or things that are true in general.

  • Permanent situations: 

I live in England.

My father is a cook.


  • Universal truths:

The fire burns.

At what temperature does water boil?


  • Routines:

I go to yoga every Monday.

My mum goes to drawing lessons.

Some keywords help us recognise these situations:

Always: I always go to the cinema with my family on Friday.

Never: I never wake up before eight o’clock.

Often: I often do the dishes after dinner.

Usually: Do you usually go to school on foot?

Sometimes: Sometimes I don’t have time to eat breakfast in the morning.


When we speak of things that always (or usually) happen at the same hour, we use the present simple.

Look at this example: