Present Continuous: uses and context

Present Continuous

Uses of the present continuous


Look at this example:

We use present continuous...

  • To talk about something that is happening at the moment we are speaking.

You are talking about a book.

She is playing chess.



  • To talk about something that is currently happening but not necessarily when we are speaking. In this case, we use time expressions such as “still”, “currently”, “these days” or “lately”, among others.

He is still working in the same place.

Lately, they have been going out.



  • To talk about plans, appointments, events or actions that will happen in the future.

We are going to London this Summer!

I am meeting up with my friends tonight.


  • To describe a temporary situation or event.

It’s been sunny the whole day, but it’s raining right now.

We haven’t been together for a long time, but tonight we are playing again. 


  • To emphasise actions that occur frequently. Usually used with “constantly”, “always” and “forever”.

You are always criticising me!
They are constantly kissing.

Laura López

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