Categorías: Cambridge Exam

Present Continuous: structure

Present Continuous

Examples of structure of the present

continuous in affirmative, negative and

interrogative sentences.


Affirmative Sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb (to be) + Verb + ing. (-s/-es)

  • I am writing.
  • We are drawing.
First-person singular

Second-person singularYouaredoing
Third-person singularHeis doing
Third-person singular

Sheis doing
Third-person singular

Itis doing
First-person plural

Second-person plural

Third-person plural

Negative Sentences

Subject + Auxiliary verb (to be) + Negative auxiliary verb (not) + Verb + ing.

  • I am not writing.
  • We are not drawing.
First-person singularIamnotdoingI’m not doing.
Second-person singular.YouarenotdoingYou aren’t doing.
You’re not doing.
Third-person singularHeisnotdoingHe’s not doing.
Third-person singularSheis not doingShe’s not doing.
Third-person singularItisnotdoingIt’s not doing.
First-person pluralWearenot doingWe aren’t doing.¡.
We’re not doing.
Second-person pluralYouarenotdoingYou aren’t doing.
You’re not doing.
Third-person pluralTheyarenotdoingThey aren’t doing.
They’re not doing.

Interrogative Sentences

Yes / No questions

Auxiliary verb (to be) + Subject + Verb + ing.

  • Are you writing?
  • Is he drawing?

First-person singularAmIwriting?
Second-person singularAreyouwriting?
Third-person singularIshewriting?
Third-person singularIsshewriting?
Third-person singularIsitwriting?
First-person pluralArewewriting?
Second-person pluralAreyouwriting?
Third-person pluralAretheywriting?


We need to invert the subject in questions that can be answered with yes or no, which means that an affirmative question would be am I reading? And an affirmative sentence is I am reading.


Wh questions


When the question is a Wh question, we always put it at the beginning. Look at these examples:

  • Why are you writing?
  • What is she drawing?
  • When are you coming?
  • Where are we stopping?
  • Who is he travelling with?
  • How are they doing?
First-person singularWhyamIdoing?
Second-person singularWhatareyouwriting?
Third-person singularWhenishe coming?
Third-person singularWhereisshegoing?
Third-person singularWhyisitworking?
First-person pluralHowarewetravelling?
Second-person pluralWhoareyoudrawing?
Third-person pluralWhataretheycooking?

You can use contractions in Wh questions too!

Why is = Why’s

What is = What’s

When is = When’s 

Where is = Where’s

Who is = Who’s

How is = How’s


Spelling modifications

All verbs finish in -ing

To do = Doing

To say = Saying

One syllable verbs

In one syllable verbs which end in consonant + vowel + consonant we double the ending consonant before adding the -ing ending. Examples: 

Run = Running

Get = Getting

Stop = Stopping

Two (or more) syllable verbs

In two (or more) syllable verbs which end in consonant + vowel + consonant we double the ending consonant if the last syllable is stressed and add -ing.  If not, we only add -ing. Examples: 

The last syllable is stressed:

Control (con-TROL) = Controlling

Commit (com-MIT) = Committing

The last syllable is not stressed

Happen (HAPP-en) = Happening

Whisper (WHIS-per) = Whispering

Verbs ending in W, X and Y

These verbs end in consonant + vowel + consonant but we do not double the consonant. 

Throw Throwing

Study Studying

Verbs ending in -ie

If a verb ends in -ie, we change it to -y before we add -ing. 

Lie Lying

Die Dying

Silent -e and long -e

When the -e is silent, we drop the -e and add  -ing.

Make = Making

Love Loving

When the -e is long or there is a double -ee, we add  -ing as usual.

Be = Being

Agree Agreeing

Laura López

As part of the Student Support team at, my main goal is to make sure that your learning journey is as smooth and successful as possible. I’m here to guide you through every step, ensuring that you have everything you need to stay on track and achieve your goals. Whether it’s making sure you’re comfortable with the platform or helping you navigate the different stages of your study plan, I’m dedicated to making sure the process is easy and stress-free for you.

Publicado por
Laura López

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