Planes y precios-ENG

A fixed price until you pass

In Langoo, we have designed a study plan that suits to you and your pace. Study anywhere and anytime. And you only pay once – we’ll hold your price until you pass!

Planes y precios - LangooPlanes y precios - Langoo

Select the plan that best suits you!

Icono garantía de aprobadoIcono garantía de aprobado

Langoo pass guarantee​

Tutor iconoTutor icono

Personal tutor​

Icono aprendizaje personalizadoIcono aprendizaje personalizado

Personalised learning​

Feedback personalizadoFeedback personalizado

Feedback of all tasks​

Test por competencias iconoTest por competencias icono

Inicial test

Icono acceso a toda la plataformaIcono acceso a toda la plataforma

Full access to the platform​

Langoo BASIC

Monthly renewal​
45 € per month


Save 100€
257 € per 6 months

Langoo GOLD

Save 245€
486 € per 1 year

Let's practice together

Over 100 exercises per level, exclusive content and feedback, to help you achieve your certification.

We prepare you for the real exam

You will be ready for your exam thanks to our timed tests, so you can learn to manage your time efficiently.

Test yourself!

Take complete exams and get your personalised corrections within 48 hours.